1. Where's my order?

Standard Home Delivery and Standard Click & Collect orders should arrive within 10-14 days, and deliveries are made 5 days a week.

  1. How do I return an online order?

Please see our returns page for the latest information and details on how to return items.

  1. I've got a question about my order - how do I get in touch?

If you’ve got a question or problem and haven’t found a solution on our help pages, please get in touch with our customer care team at flowerva.com

If you have a missing item, let us know what is missing and don’t forget your order number.

If you've received a damaged or faulty item, please send a picture of the issue along with your order number.

  1. I’ve received a refund but I don’t know why?

When it's time to pick and pack your order, there might be a small chance that a product has sold out already. If this is the case we will refund you for those items. Please check for email updates on your order for more information.

  1. How to cancel an order? If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us via flowerva.

Pay With Credit Card

You also can pay with a credit card (Visa, Master), debit card, or banking account through PayPal. Under this payment method, you only need to offer the number of your credit card, the period of validity and the verification number.